
chocolate love.

You know those little messages on the inside of Dove chocolates? I love those messages.
This is why...

{lauren eating her chocolates and reading wrappers}

Wrapper #1:
      "Seek out small indulgences for yourself."
Lauren's Response: Chocolate is an indulgence...
looks like I have to have another one...

Wraper #2:
      "Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect."
Lauren's Response: Self, it is okay that I'm not perfect. My sweet tooth prevents perfect eating habits and imperfection is okay therefore having another chocolate is okay...
looks like I have to have another one...

Wrapper #3:
      "A special moment deserves a special chocolate."
Lauren's Response: Too bad that was my last chocolate...
looks like I have to go buy more.

In the meantime I'll just have to eat my Reeses.


1 comment:

megan said...

I like your style. Chocolate is good. So is more of it.